Hello. My name is Pavan Mirla. I am a Machine Learning Data Scientist with Investment research and Quantitative analysis experience at large Canadian Asset Management Firms.
If you’d like to bounce thoughts on how to use DataScience tools to understand your data, reach me at: pavanmirla@perceptron.solutions or pavanmirla@gmail.com
I specialize in:
- Predictive modeling, clustering, text analytics, and Quantitative analysis using Machine Learning and Deep learning techniques (RNN/CNN/Autoencoeders/Unsupervised Learning)
- Development of Machine Learning models with Tensorflow,Keras, Python, R, Scikit Learn, Vowpal Wabbit etc
- Building Recommendation engines, Natural Language Processing, Information extraction, Topic Modelling and Knowledge graphs
- Analyzing and Visualizing complex data
Previously, I have worked with
Manulife/John Hancock Innovation Lab, Manulife Asset Management, CPP Investment Board, Cisco Systems, Alcatel Lucent Corporation, More information can be found through LinkedIn.
Richard Feynman inspires me to simplify complex topics.
His Quotes
“Nobody ever figures out what life is all about, and it doesn’t matter. Explore the world. Nearly everything is really interesting if you go into it deeply enough.” ― Richard Feynman
“Study hard what interests you the most in the most undisciplined, irreverent and original manner possible.” ― Richard Feynman
You can find me on a variety of world wild interweb sites where my username is usually “pavanmirla”.