
Precision, Recall and F1 Score

Nov 15, 2018

Introduction to Precision , Recall and F1 score for beginners with an interactive explainer

The example below will be used to explain the topic in the video below

GIF of Interactive

Interactive Explainer

Drag the X marker to right for new classification boundary It might take few secods to load our interactive

Video Why do we use Harmonic mean for F1 score? What is Harmonic Mean BTW?

Related concepts

Type1 error is nothing but False Positives. In the example below, three crimials were identified as good people.
Type2 error is nothing but False Negatives. In the example below, three good people were identified as criminals. sad. So type2 error is more harmful in this situation.
Examples with code
Named-Entity evaluation metrics based on entity-level

F1score for NLP task with Tensorflow

Checkout other posts for ML/Data Science beginners here.

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